Progress Log

Hey guys,

A few months ago (way back in 2019) I announced that I was doing NaNoWriMo. And then I didn’t. Not because I didn’t want to (I did, truly) but because freelance work and life kinda got in the way. So now I need a new way to keep myself accountable/ track the progress I’m making on my manuscript.

I decided on these fancy progress bars, because I’m a giant nerd:


Character Arcs & Worldbuilding


Draft Zero

Act 1

Act 2

Act 3

Act 4

…The first 4 are for recording my plotting progress. As you can see, I’ve already done 79% of the outline. The other 31% is just notes that read ‘INSERT COOL THING, HERE” and “I DUNNO? NEEDS MORE GHOSTS, PROBABLY” but hopefully I’ll figure it out. After that, it’s onto character arcs, wordbuilding and the logline (all stuff I should have done first, to be honest) and then Draft Zero.

‘Draft Zero,’ is essentially my whole story in screenplay format. This helps me work out bugs before writing the final draft, which will be divided into 4 acts.

…The last 4 bars are for recording progress on those acts. I have written a little final draft-worthy stuff already, but since I’m only logging completed scenes all the bars are starting at zero.

There are 61 scenes, in case your wondering. That will work out to roughly 75,000 words.

Send help.

(And cookies.)